Public Meetings Law & Oregon Government Ethics Law Training
City Council will be attending Public Meetings Law & Oregon Government Ethics Law Training.
Meeting Attendance Information:
The City Council will hold this meeting in-person in City Hall Council Chambers, via video conference (Zoom) or by phone.
- To attend in person, the City Hall address is 555 S. Main St.
- For Zoom login visit:
- To participate in the meeting by phone, dial US: +1-253-215-8782 and enter Webinar ID: 879 4427 7564 and Passcode: 846540
Written comments are also welcome and may be delivered to City Hall or emailed to no later than 4:00 pm the day of the meeting.
The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities. A request for an interpreter for the hearing impaired, or for other accommodations for persons with disabilities, should be made at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting to Myra Russell, City Recorder, 503-838-1212/TTY: 800-735-2900.