Housing affects everyone in Independence. Be part of the process and help us plan for the future.

The city of Independence is asking for your help to identify the housing development needs of the community. This is what we call a Housing Production Strategy, a new legislative requirement adopted through  House Bill 2003 in 2019.

This Housing Production Strategy is separate from the Housing Needs Analysis we conducted last year. Information from the HNA is used to ensure that the city takes actions that will meet projected housing needs. The Housing Production Strategy is intended to facilitate conversation and will be revised after further input from the public, the Advisory Committee, and policymakers.

Get informed, be engaged, and take the survey in English or Spanish today:

English: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/33f6539fb587474ab5bd065a5850552c?fbclid=IwY2xjawFqboBleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHUmenZsFiWF5MXSg0ZjmwBX9UNYvg96cMpVdXgzGPoVttuZ_ZPLKAkQJOA_aem_5qcX8XtOZ9y6nsT9Sdgj9g

Spanish: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/861853b73d7448f0b315615e2eaf9a5e?fbclid=IwY2xjawFqb7JleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHZKRsggDbGucxfVO60Hxs2Cnqh5qq47iWOQwuMe5C-aqSOP_g537_bW-og_aem_4RN1PPOsqrVdh3Sa3ExRnw