Monthly Weekly Daily List
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- 2Planning Commission7:00 pmRepeats every month on February, March, April, May, June, July, August, October, November, and December on the first Monday. View the official notice of the meeting, agenda and agenda packet. Agenda packets are generally available five days prior to the scheduled meeting. , ...
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- 4Story Time10:30 amRepeats every week, every Wednesday. Visit the City of Independence Library website for more information. , ...Municipal Court Arraignments5:30 pm
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- 10City Council Meeting6:30 pm
- 11Story Time10:30 amRepeats every week, every Wednesday. Visit the City of Independence Library website for more information. , ...Heritage Museum Advisory Board5:30 pm
- 12Independence Days Commission6:30 pm
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- 16Historic Preservation Commission5:30 pm
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- 18Municipal Court Trials9:30 amRepeats every month on January, February, March, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December on the third Wednesday. , ...Story Time10:30 amRepeats every week, every Wednesday. Visit the City of Independence Library website for more information. , ...
- 19Parks Board6:00 pm
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- 23Library Board5:00 pmRepeats every month on January, February, March, April, May, June, September, October, November, and December on the fourth Monday. View the official notice of the meeting, agenda and download an agenda packet. Agenda packets are generally available five days prior to the scheduled meeting. , ...
- 24City Council Meeting6:30 pm
- 25Story Time10:30 amRepeats every week, every Wednesday. Visit the City of Independence Library website for more information. , ...
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