Building With Future Generations in Mind

Shaping Policies, Regulations, And Services That Directly Impact The Well-Being Of Residents

Building With Future Generations in Mind

Shaping Policies, Regulations, And Services That Directly Impact The Well-Being Of Residents

To apply, complete the application form (provided below) by selecting the ones you are interested in and submit it to the city hall or email it to Karin Johnson, City Recorder.

City Budget

This committee is composed of the council and an equal number of city residents. Terms are for 3 years.

The Budget Committee key duties include:

  • Hold public meetings.
  • Hear public comments/input.
  • Hear the budget message and accept Budget Officer’s proposed budget.
  • Review and discuss the Proposed Budget.
  • Make revisions to the Proposed Budget.
  • Approve each tax rate or dollar amount.


Meeting Details

Meeting Dates as determined by Budget Calendar, approved by the City Council annually.

Event Center, Civic Center


Heritage Museum

The committee is composed of seven members who serve 3-year terms. A majority must reside within the city.

The Heritage Museum Advisory Board key duties include:

  • Adopt rules governing the transaction of the board’s business.
  • When needed and requested, recommend sites for museum facilities to the City Council.
  • Recommend to City Management various types of museum services that could be provided by the museum to the community.
  • Recommend to City Management policies for the acceptance and use of gifts for museum purposes.
  • Recommend to City Management policies conducive to the efficient and effective operation of the museum.
  • Submit other reports as requested by City Management or the City Council.
  • Recommend to City Management museum admission charges.
  • Recommend to City Management maintenance policies sufficient to keep the museum presentable and in a proper state of repair and adopt rules to carry out the policies approved by the City Management or the City Council.
  • Review and comment on budget as developed by City Management; receive a financial report of the museum on a monthly basis, but have no spending authority.

Meeting Details

Every Second Wednesday, 5:30 p.m.

Independence Heritage Museum


Preserving Historical Buildings

The Independence Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) works to:

  • Protect significant elements of Independence’s history.
  • Celebrate the accomplishments of the past.
  • Foster public appreciation and civic pride in the beauty of historic properties.
  • Enhance the visual character of the city.

The Independence Historic Preservation Commission also acts decision-maker for certain land use applications such as the review of new development within the Independence Historic District, additions to structures within the district, and alterations to historic structures. To find out whether Historic Preservation Commission review is required for a project, please contact Fred Evander at (503) 837-1168.

Slide the arrows left and right to view the two images.

Meeting Details

Third (3rd) Mondays at 5:30 PM

Council Chambers at City Hall


Fireworks, Food, and Family Fun

The committee is composed of an odd number of seven to fifteen members who serve 1-year terms. A majority shall be Independence residents. These meetings are dedicated to planning the annual event held during the 4th of July holidays.

Access official notice of this meeting, view an agenda or download an agenda packet on the City of Independence’s meeting schedule website.

Meeting Details

Second Thursdays, 7 p.m.

Heritage Room Event Center, Civic Center


Library Time

The committee is composed of seven members who serve 4-year terms. These members are city residents or residents of the county area surrounding the city who have Independence as their post office address.

Library Board key duties include:

  • Keep informed about current trends in library administration
  • Study library growth and needs in the city and its vicinity
  • Develop and recommend to the Council long-range plans for library services and facilities consistent with city priorities and with state, regional and national goals pertinent to libraries
  • Recommend sites for library facilities to the Council
  • Participate in the planning for library facilities
  • Recommend to the Council types of library services for the city and its vicinity
  • Investigate sources of funding for library services and facilities
  • Recommend to the Council policies for the acceptance and use of gifts for library purposes
  • Participate in the annual budget process of the city as that process pertains to the library
  • Recommend to the Council policies conducive to efficient and effective operation of the library
  • Review and recommend to the Council terms for contracts and working relations with other public agencies regarding library service
  • Submit reports as requested by the Council.

Meeting Details

Every Fourth Monday, 5 p.m.

Independence Public Library


Parts & Recreation

The committee is composed of seven members who serve 3-year terms. These members reside, work, or own property within the city.

Parks and Recreation Key Duties:

  • Make regular inspections of the park facilities of the city.
  • Make recommendations to the Council with respect to the development, improvement, extension and promotion of all park facilities.

Tree Advisory Board Key Duties:

  • Duties established by Article VIII of IMC Chapter 26;
  • The Board shall study, investigate, counsel, develop and/or update annually a written plan for the care, preservation, pruning, planting, replanting, removal of disposition of trees and shrubs in parks, along streets, and in other public areas.
  • Present the aforementioned plan to the City Council and, upon its acceptance and adoption by Council resolution, shall constitute the official Comprehensive City Tree Plan for the city.

Meeting Details

Third Thursdays, 6:00 p.m.

Ash Creek Meeting Room, Civic Center


Growing and Development

The Independence Planning Commission is a citizen board, appointed by the city council to help plan for growth and development within the city. Members of the planning commission advise the city council and city staff on a variety of subjects, making policy recommendations on important matters affecting the livability of Independence. The Commission also acts as a decision-maker for certain land use applications such as the review of subdivisions and larger land use applications.

Planning Commission meetings are always open to the public, and members of the community are welcome to share their thoughts about the issues being considered. The Independence Planning Commission meets on the first Monday of every month at 7:00 p.m. in the chambers at the Independence Civic Center. If the Monday is a legal holiday, the meeting is moved to the second Monday. If no business is scheduled or a quorum of Commissioners is not able to attend, the meeting may be canceled.

The Planning Commission is composed of seven members, no more than two of whom may be non-city residents. Planning Commission members are appointed to three-year terms.

Planning Commission key duties include:

  • Make studies, hold hearings, and prepare reports and recommendations on its own initiative or at the request of the Council.
  • Make recommendations to the Council, to public officials, and to individuals regarding land use, location of thoroughfares, public buildings, parks and other public facilities and regarding any other matter relating to the planning and development of the city and the surrounding area.
  • Control the subdivision of land and land use actions

Meeting Details

First Monday of every month at 7:00 p.m.

If the Monday is a legal holiday, the meeting is moved to the second Monday. If no business is scheduled or a quorum of Commissioners is not able to attend, the meeting may be canceled.

Independence Civic Center Chamber


Safety Matters

The committee is composed of seven members who serve 3-year terms. The commission is composed of three city residents, one person residing or working within the city, one Police Department employee, one Public Works employee and one Community Development employee.

Traffic Safety Commission key duties include:

  • Research, develop and recommend implementation of coordinated traffic safety programs to meet local needs.
  • Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council and the City Manager in the coordination of traffic safety activities in the city.
  • Foster public knowledge in support of traffic law enforcement and traffic engineering problems.

Road and Traffic Laws Information

Meeting Details

Meets on the 3rd Wednesday at 6:00 pm in Feb, June, Oct.

Ash Creek Meeting Room, Civic Center

For more information, call Chief Robert Mason at 503-838-1214