City Recorder in Local Government

Maintaining the integrity and transparency of municipal operations.

City Recorder in Local Government

Maintaining the integrity and transparency of municipal operations.

In promoting transparency within a community and preserving democratic values, the City Recorder plays a critical role. This position is responsible for guaranteeing that legislative actions are carried out transparently and facilitating public access to records. In addition to overseeing the integrity of election processes, the City Recorder is responsible for enforcing state and federal laws such as the Oregon Public Meetings Law, Oregon Public Records Law, Oregon Ethics Laws, and state and local election laws. Furthermore, the City Recorder provides administrative support to the City Council, commissions, and committees, while also responding to public inquiries regarding records.

Vision, Mission, and Values of the City Recorder’s Office

At the City Recorder’s Office, our goal is to provide exceptional public service with distinction. We aim to set the standard for public service excellence. Our mission is to provide precise information to the community, elected officials, and city personnel. We are also committed to preserving and maintaining the City’s official records, conducting impartial municipal elections, and increasing the public’s access to municipal government. Our values are founded on four key principles that guide our work:

Professionalism and Ethical Conduct

Impartiality and Accuracy

Consistency and Transparency

Collaboration and Knowledge-Sharing

Agendas & Minutes

City Charter

Committees and Boards

Elections & Voter Services

Municipal Code
Public Record Requests
City Recorder’s Desk

Frequently Asked Questions

You must fill out a Request for Information Form. Please be as specific as possible, so we may find the document you want in the shortest amount of time. If you want a copy of the document, we will provide you with an estimated cost for copying.

You may view documents at no charge. Oregon law allows us to recover the cost of making copies, as well as the time (if any) spent on research. Easily accessed digital copies may be provided at no charge.

Meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm, in the City Council Chambers.

The members of the Independence City Council are elected “at large” and not by districts or wards. What this means, is that each Council member represents the entire City and not just one area or neighborhood.

City Council elections are held in November of even-numbered years and are held with the State General Election. The nomination period for candidates running for a City Council seat begins at the end of May and concludes at the end of August. Please contact the City Recorder at 503.838.1212 for additional details and requirements of running for office.

Before the City Council meeting begins, complete a speaker card indicating the agenda item number you will be speaking on and return it to the City Recorder. The Mayor will call your name under Visitor Comments. The speaker cards are kept with the official record of the City Council meeting and are used if the City Council or staff needs to contact you at a later date.

Every City Council meeting provides time for a Visitor/Public Comment period. This is your opportunity to address the Council on any subject matter that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council that does not appear as a regular agenda item. To do this, before the City Council meeting begins, complete a white speaker card indicating Agenda Item: “Visitor Comment” and return it to the City Recorder. The Mayor will call your name during the Visitor Comment period of the meeting. The speaking time limit for comment is 5 minutes. The City Council may not take any action on issues raised during the comment period, but they may refer matters to the staff for response or official action at a future date.

Voter registration forms are available at City Hall, the Independence Library or at the Polk County Clerk’s office. The forms are postage-paid and can be mailed or delivered in person to the Polk County Clerk.

City Recorder

Myra Russell

Myra Russell

  • (503) 838-1212

  • 555 South Main Street
    Independence, OR 97351

  • Office Hours: 8:00 am-5:00 pm
    Monday-Friday (Closed Holidays)

In promoting transparency within a community and preserving democratic values, the City Recorder plays a critical role. This position is responsible for guaranteeing that legislative actions are carried out transparently and facilitating public access to records. In addition to overseeing the integrity of election processes, the City Recorder is responsible for enforcing state and federal laws such as the Oregon Public Meetings Law, Oregon Public Records Law, Oregon Ethics Laws, and state and local election laws. Furthermore, the City Recorder provides administrative support to the City Council, commissions, and committees, while also responding to public inquiries regarding records.

Vision, Mission, and Values of the City Recorder’s Office

At the City Recorder’s Office, our goal is to provide exceptional public service with distinction. We aim to set the standard for public service excellence. Our mission is to provide precise information to the community, elected officials, and city personnel. We are also committed to preserving and maintaining the City’s official records, conducting impartial municipal elections, and increasing the public’s access to municipal government. Our values are founded on four key principles that guide our work:

Professionalism and Ethical Conduct

Impartiality and Accuracy

Consistency and Transparency

Collaboration and Knowledge-Sharing

Agendas & Minutes

City Charter

Committees and Boards

Elections & Voter Services

Municipal Code

Public Record Requests


City Recorder’s Desk

Frequently Asked Questions

You must fill out a Request for Information Form. Please be as specific as possible, so we may find the document you want in the shortest amount of time. If you want a copy of the document, we will provide you with an estimated cost for copying.

You may view documents at no charge. Oregon law allows us to recover the cost of making copies, as well as the time (if any) spent on research. Easily accessed digital copies may be provided at no charge.

Meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm, in the City Council Chambers.

The members of the Independence City Council are elected “at large” and not by districts or wards. What this means, is that each Council member represents the entire City and not just one area or neighborhood.

City Council elections are held in November of even-numbered years and are held with the State General Election. The nomination period for candidates running for a City Council seat begins at the end of May and concludes at the end of August. Please contact the City Recorder at 503.838.1212 for additional details and requirements of running for office.

Before the City Council meeting begins, complete a speaker card indicating the agenda item number you will be speaking on and return it to the City Recorder. The Mayor will call your name under Visitor Comments. The speaker cards are kept with the official record of the City Council meeting and are used if the City Council or staff needs to contact you at a later date.

Every City Council meeting provides time for a Visitor/Public Comment period. This is your opportunity to address the Council on any subject matter that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council that does not appear as a regular agenda item. To do this, before the City Council meeting begins, complete a white speaker card indicating Agenda Item: “Visitor Comment” and return it to the City Recorder. The Mayor will call your name during the Visitor Comment period of the meeting. The speaking time limit for comment is 5 minutes. The City Council may not take any action on issues raised during the comment period, but they may refer matters to the staff for response or official action at a future date.

Voter registration forms are available at City Hall, the Independence Library or at the Polk County Clerk’s office. The forms are postage-paid and can be mailed or delivered in person to the Polk County Clerk.

City Recorder

Myra Russell

Myra Russell

  • (503) 838-1212

  • 555 South Main Street
    Independence, OR 97351

  • Office Hours: 8:00 am-5:00 pm
    Monday-Friday (Closed Holidays)