Fines are due and payable when the fine is imposed. We accept cash, checks, money orders, and debit/credit cards. To pay for tickets online you will need your last name or citation number. Payments can be made in person at the front desk at City Hall, by phone, by mail, or in the after-hours drop box located outside City Hall in the parking lot.
Pay By Mail
If you pay by mail, please list the exact name on your case and a docket number, this ensures your payment is credited to the proper account. You may pay with checks or money orders. Make checks and money orders payable to the City of Independence. Please do not make cash payments through the mail
Mail Payments to:
Independence Municipal Court
555 S. Main St.
Independence, OR 97351.
Pay By Phone
Call 503-838-1212 during regular business hours (Monday-Friday 8:00 AM- 5:00 PM). You can pay by credit or debit card over the phone.
Pay Through Violations Bureau
If you would like to handle your citation through the Violations Bureau you must appear at 555 S. Main Street before the Court Clerk Monday-Friday 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM. All business must be finalized no later than 4:30 PM the day before your court appearance.
The clerk uses the same fine schedule as the judge. If you have three or more convictions on your driving record, a commercial driver’s license, or a class A violation (presumptive fine over $400), the clerk is unable to reduce the fine.
The clerk can take “not guilty” pleas and set trials on all infractions either in person or by sending in the original citation with option three filled out, signed, and dated.
If you would like to plead no contest/guilty and explain to the judge what happened, this can be done in writing. The letter must be accompanied by a payment of the full base fine of all charges. All letters of explanation are given to the judge and must be received before your posted court appearance. The judge reads them, takes your statement and driving record into consideration, and assesses fines accordingly. If you are fined less than the base fine, the refund should reach you within four weeks.
Pay Monthly
If you need to make payments instead of paying your fine in full, you have to come to court and go before the Judge for your arraignment first. Then you will be able to fill out a payment agreement form and make monthly payments. Failure to make a payment every month until your fine is paid in full could result in suspension of your license and/or your account could be sent to collections.