Due to COVID precautions, the January 11, 2022 city council meeting will be held via Zoom:

MEETING ACCESS INFORMATION: This meeting is being held via videoconference. For those wishing to view or listen to the meeting, the meeting will be livestreamed on our YouTube channel ( For those that do not have access to the internet, chairs will be placed in the City Hall lobby to comply with public meetings rules and social distancing requirements and the room will be limited to no more than 10 persons. Face coverings, per OHA guidelines, shall be required in the building.

OPPORTUNITIES TO COMMENT: To provide comments regarding meeting agenda topics in advance of the meeting, please email them to the city at, no later than 4:00 pm before the meeting date and time. We will also take email testimony throughout the meeting and forward it to the City Council at the end of the meeting. Email testimony will become part of the meeting record. The city will also provide opportunity to present public comment at city hall; social distancing will be observed, and the room will be limited to no more than 10 persons. Face coverings, per OHA guidelines, shall be required in the building.