(Independence, OR) — City of Independence City Manager Kenna West has been duly appointed as Chair of the League of Oregon Cities (LOC) Finance & Taxation Policy Committee. Her term begins on January 1, 2024, and ends on December 31, 2025.

“Receiving this appointment is an honor,” shared West. “I look forward to bringing my expertise to the committee and continuing to serve Oregon’s 241 cities.”

The Finance & Taxation Policy Committee reviews policy decisions and recommends legislative positions and strategies related to property and income taxation; local government debt instruments; infrastructure funding; public budgeting; state revenue sharing; and financing economic development. As Chair, Ms. West will be responsible for running all committee meetings, setting the agenda, and receiving a seat on the LOC’s Legislative Committee.

The Legislative Committee provides immediate insight and guidance to the Executive Director and Legislative Director during State legislative sessions when the LOC must take a position on a bill or amendment that could result in conflict between established LOC policies or could result in an impact that could not have reasonably been anticipated or foreseen when the LOC established its legislative priorities.

“The work performed by LOC’s policy committees is paramount to the LOC’s ability to meet the objectives of its Strategic Plan, to support Oregon’s 241 cities, and to ensure that the legislative positions championed by the organization reflect the priorities of LOC members,” said LOC Executive Director Patricia Mulvihill.

About the League of Oregon Cities

Founded in 1925, the LOC is a voluntary association representing all 241 of Oregon’s incorporated cities.  The League helps city governments serve their citizens by providing legislative services, policy setting, intergovernmental relations, conferences and training, technical assistance, and publications.