Have you heard of a Safe Exchange Zone?
Dallas, Monmouth, and Independence now have dedicated zones that are safe and secure (24-hour video surveillance) for residents to conduct personal exchanges, such as child custody, or e-commerce transactions, such as buy/sell/trade. Each Safe Exchange Zone has two parking spots for a buyer and seller, or two custodial units, to park side-by-side and feel comfortable that their exchange will be conducted safely.
The Safe Exchange Zone in Independence zone is located at the Independence Civic Center (555 S Main St, Independence) near the south entrance.
If you ever have an emergency while conducting a custodial exchange or buy/sell/trade transaction, please call 911 so units can be dispatched to assist you. For more information regarding Safe Exchange Zones and safety recommendations, check out this webpage: https://www.co.polk.or.us/sheriff/safe-exchange-zone