Proposed Project: The city of Independence has received an application for a proposal to Construct a Four-Story Mixed-Use Structure at 2nd Street and D Street. The structure would appear like four distinct building masses that range in size from two to four stories and would contain four dwelling units located above ground floor commercial space. The ground floor would be sheathed with stucco with roll-up glass, garage-door storefronts and include trellises that serve as canopies. Decorative board and batten and wooden picket siding would be used on the upper elevations.

The application was originally submitted on August 8, 2023, before the height limit of the Mixed-Use Pedestrian Friendly Commercial Zone was reduced to 40 feet. As a result, the application is subject to the previous 45-foot height limit, with the potential to increase the height to 55 feet, so long as certain criteria are met. Two of the building volumes in the proposal would extend to an average height of approximately 47 feet. The other two building volumes located toward the south of the site would be approximately 38 feet and 27 feet tall.

Parking and utilities would be provided on the site.

Project Location: No Address Exists. Southeast Corner of 2nd Street and D Street (Map: 8.4.28BD; Taxlot: 800).

Date, Time and Location of Public Hearing: No public hearing will be held on the application. Staff at the City of Independence will make a decision on the proposal sometime after May 6th, 2024.

Applicable Criteria for the Application: The decision on the application will be based on the relevant approval criteria in the Independence Comprehensive Plan and Independence Development Code (IDC) Subchapter 10 (General Provisions), Subchapter 11 (Administrative Provisions), Subchapter 33 (Mixed-Use Pedestrian Friendly Commercial (MUPC) Zone and Downtown Overlay Zone), Subchapter 54 (Buffering, Screening, Landscape and Ash Creek Setback Requirements), Subchapter 73 (Parking) and Subchapter 80 (Site Design Review Requirements). The approval criteria from the IDC are available at the Independence Civic Center or online at:

Information Available: All relevant materials in the project file are available for inspection at no cost at the Independence Civic Center. Copies of the documents may be obtained from the City for a minimal cost.

Submittal of Testimony: To provide comments in advance of the decision on the application, please email them to the city at Planning Comments@ no later than 5:00 pm on May 6th, 2024. Comments can also be submitted to 555 S. Main Street, Independence, OR 97351 by the date above.

Appeal Process: Individuals who would like to reserve their right to appeal should comment or submit a letter, along with any concerns related to the application, by the close of the public comment period. Failure to raise an issue in person or by letter, or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision-maker the opportunity to respond to the issue, precludes the ability to raise the issue at a subsequent time on appeal before the Independence Planning Commission or before the Land Use Board of Appeals.

Any appeal of the decision must be filed with the Planning Department within 12 days of the final decision date.

Staff Contact: For further information, please contact Fred Evander, Community Planner, at the Independence Civic Center, 555 S. Main Street, Independence, OR 97351, (503) 837-1168, or